Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chevrolet Tahoe will again be sold in Russia

In GM must realize that acted precipitately, leaving the market 's most. large SUVs. in Russia in the dominion of Toyota and Nissan. This summer, Chevrolet Tahoe returns to the showrooms of authorized dealers.

more ».

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

To help the beginner blogger

Sponsored by post -. promotion of the site in Odessa. Next, I 'll tell you how to blog, and following this link, you will help to ensure that your blog is read, as many people.

Have a reason to talk about blogging. One could, of course, just write e-mail to the person for whom the first is devoted to the post, but suddenly come in handy to somebody. In general - a small guide for newbies.

What and how to write?.

You can write. of life. IMHO people love to read, who, how and what lives. It is not bad, in my opinion, this is obtained from Yana (. seo- wife homeless. ). Read it, be inspired. But stories like: I got up, I drink tons of coffee and. n. , Is it appropriate that. twitter. a, and that will attract many readers navryadli. Write about what you yourself would be interested in reading other.

Write to the same. helpful posts. They push objects their arguments, comments, analysis on topics in which you are an expert or at least informed person. Planning to have a baby soon? . All this can help others and you will have your readers. I have similar positions fall under the rubric. The practice of marketing.

Publish. photos. Small and funny scenes video made ​​by you. Do not abuse the Internet to copy-paste other people's resources. Looking at the beautiful and interesting photos of people like (especially Learn Lebedev. :-). ).

demand. Reports from various trips. , Hiking, etc. n. And, of course, they should be illustrated with photos and your comments, suggestions.

Take part in the blogging relays. With their help you will be able to attract new visitors, improve your blog to Google, and once again tell us about yourself, something interesting. How does it work?.

You read blogs, and sometimes their owners start relay. T. e. come up with themes, or they pass it by reference (the last memorable themes relays, ... games that you play. ... Race for the geographic. ... If you see an open relay, or someone gave it to you, write a post on the same topic, which at the beginning of the post you tell us about who gave it to you (well, and a link to the blog of the transferor, respectively). And place a link to those blogs, who do you want to pass the baton. Everyone is happy and satisfied!.

If you do not go into the seo- optimization, here are some tips for attracting visitors to your blog: free to link to your blog in all social. networks, where you are registered, send ssylochku relatives and friends (have a sibling - spam) if you are taking part in discussions on the forums, then some of them can add links in signatures your profile. That's how it looks around in the code:.

Stroll through the main city portals in your city, there is certainly directory of local websites Add your blog to go. And of course, comment on other blogs, as many as you type your nickname, you can still enter the URL of your blog.

Another would be to talk about choosing a blog platform for those who are just thinking to start a blog, but as they say, the taste and color, friends do not have one. Several major platforms: Word Press (WP), blogspot. com, and so ZhivoyZhurnal. n. Each has its pros and cons, but the choice of platform for a blog in a future post.

It is also recommend reading the recommendations of Dmitry MasterX: '. I am a blogger?. 'And'. Why did you not comment on. '.

Blog updates by e-mail. or. RSS. All for your convenience!.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Europe was ' hit parade ' of Internet

Russia ranked first in Europe to increase the rate of users of the Web.

According to data from ComScore, measuring Internet audiences in different countries, Russia has overtaken sixteen European countries. In Russia the number of Internet users is increasing at the twenty -three per cent a year. In European countries the figure is on average five percent. In this case, one of the highest growth was recorded in France - fourteen percent per annum.
Most European visitors to the global computer network live in Germany - 33.2 million. Second place goes to the UK with 32.1 million users. Three leaders of France closes. Internet audience that the country has 27.2 million people, reports RIA ...

At the same time the most computerized country in Europe are the Netherlands. There is a worldwide network covers Eighty-two percent of inhabitants older than fifteen years. In turn, the citizens of Sweden, recognized as the most active Internet users. A Swedish user visits an average of nearly four thousand web pages per year.

dni. ru.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Content victory for common sense

miss you. As an amateur bizarre funny articles Tammy, who was about to become the first theme, but suddenly skukozhilsya and became one of the owners of the boring city portal. By blogoprizme Stimmi, where he managed a picture to capture the mood of the last significant sracha, now sadly philosophized in his little- right blozhike. Actually, for sracha missed. Everyone began to shit once in an adult: to go quickly into the shadows, seek the opinion of his vassals. And the problem also began to rise in the sracha taken lightly: that someone threw someone, then ugolovka with photos and screenshots.

miss you. Like a lot of articles. But I see no opinion, and content - barely chewed tons of dry content. Against this background, custom copywriting pro bukdozer looks more lively and natural than your own articles by this author.

miss you. In the opinion of. Indeed, today the main trend - potykivanie stick. Morgen pokes a stick in yuvenalku, Bulk - in the officials, and I suddenly became more interesting to read the article Belotserkovskaya Nicky because of her recipes, even the thought slips, and here to read other people's conclusions, I do not like - I prefer to do their own. I fucked in the mouth with their logic, in which more sophistry than were the opponents of Socrates even in their heyday.

miss you. according to. Many bloggers like waiting for a twitter, happily migrated to it, and blog leaving only the dry distillation of the facts or extensive long narrative. Suddenly gone clever short positions, causing a lot of comments. Disappeared in the last relay questions and unpretentious, often more telling about the blogger than his long essay about his stay in the Army. Female, because comments 'this fucking ' is now listed as endangered. But increasing the skill to fit your thoughts into 140 characters, swallowing punctuation, emoticons, links, and adjectives.

miss you. For Talented Youth. Not that it does not exist. But the really bright people have not appeared. Not because the blogosphere is dying - is stupid to think so. Just this time, to write juicy and bright do not need. Previously, bloggers went to pick up the authority, join a party, to win a piece of space. Now it is sufficient to have a twitter, and you already get-together. You seemed to come into a room where everything is, who you need, gathered. Let not their own, but do not have so painstakingly collected the audience to beat in the ratings, winding subscribers. And no one in your comments nasret.

miss you. According to symbolic figures. Anyone because of bright after climbing Mustached has not appeared. And if all had jerked off to Moscow, then to the Maul, then at Mustached, now the idols themselves, and there is no. Who was earning a lot, shamefully hide their eggs in warm pants and more writing about Japan and Thailand, and the rest look ridiculous against the background of former leaders. Yes, and the top was milled, and the entrance to the market rose. Every day, someone has to report that everything that he read and what counts - the information of two - three years ago. Few people today, says the current and now, either do not know, or just a shame that the success of small.

miss you. Grishkovets after Lukyanenko gone from LJ. Yes, and dick with it, I've either never read, except for a couple of posts that fall into the top. But the good hammer in Yandex: if someone flew out of ten, someone came. And in the blogosphere - dick, written, boring and just shut up - hang in their places, idly changing places with each other. From the anguish and helplessness I hung in his two icons: Themes (reading ) and Tinkoff ( looking ), and pray that they are not piled up and left me alone with Bigdanom, and Tehnomadom Belonikoy.

Poor is the future, if your tweet was interesting reader.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Effect to the goal

When your thoughts have not yet taken shape to be presented in the. blog. is not a sin and write about. interestingness. , Read on other sites. So in early December at. Software. People. there was an interesting article on '. Effect to the goal. '. The plot of this paper are as follows: not only is real progress, but even the illusion of his motivation to improve. From the point of view. people. management. As well as in the context of building relationships with customers that gives. interesting. food for thought. However, as with any trick, this tool must be used carefully and not abused, otherwise it will turn into a profanity. So put on a shelf in our head with a note ' is interesting, I'll try sometime ...

Monday, April 16, 2012


Ladies and gentlemen!.

Today, I finally decided to divide the site. 'Everything and more. '. 'All about everything. '. If you just want to understand the arguments of my thoughts on this or other matters and to discuss urgent problems, then go to your personal blog. ... But if you like to receive the latest product news, and Google Browser Chrome, then you are welcome to the site. 'Everything and more. '.

Now I want to tell you the names of my blogs, and more detail on their content. Let's start with the most significant in my view, the site.
'Everything and more. '. Why I did not change the name? . Indeed, in its pages, news collected almost all services and products of Google! . All you need from the reader, is to fill in a simple. form. and wait for an answer! . - a review of extensions.

'All about everything. '.

All of those topics that are of interest to most Internet users are represented on the news blog. 'All about everything. '. You can read not only about. games. ,. software. and. football. , But also very curious about such areas as a series of. Pro Evolution Soccer. and. Fifa. About their eternal confrontation and competition! . learn. of the most high-profile transfers of football and the World. see. breathtaking stunts performed by the famous freestylers!.


And here is my last blog, it's a personal thing. Collected here are all my thoughts and observations, interesting incidents and dvizhuha my life! .

Ladies and gentlemen, the blog. ... at your service!.

P. S. Please ' desperate ' to comment on your favorite posts to share your thoughts and observations. After all, what I 'm doing it for you, my readers!.

So, good luck!.

Interim results of the experiment with the HS

experiments with a bunch of GS.

Let me remind you what was the essence of the experiment:.
There were three groups of recipients.
a. Candid TOS, copy-paste.
2. G on the text of varying degrees of. of $ vnyanosti. uniqueness.
3. Sat on the scan, such as pseudo- SOM.

in each group site had different degrees of curing small unikalizatsii design and m. n.

We had to figure out how to behave with these sites Yandex for instance for a period 3-4 months before and after the sale of options.

It took more than 4 months from the beginning of the experiment. Previous results from 1 month curing were predictable. After indexing for a couple of ups and start selling on the links seheme 1-1-1, the patient quickly went to the ACS in Yasha, and Google does not pay in the understanding and keeps them in the index is still. I then poveshal drafts on these sites and left to lie.
The only survivors are heavy on content from sayts, where nobody has to buy links from a domain Tk. Purchased about 20 links, and so loose with a gain of 1 unit per week.
Sites with three months or more curing showed no less the originality. After they sat in the index for a long time, and after being added to glanders, they took off as soon as the revenue amounted to about 7 rubles from the site.
Actually it proved the very simple truth. Kopipast lives in the index as long as you want, but until a site selling links do not appear.
Sat at the very high-quality scan, looking almost like SOM, retired after selling 60 percent of the page. Website honestly felt sorry for, in the end he even liked me, and I think that I would drag him out of the filter. Not for sale links, and context-.

The remaining group of sites is not yet in Sapa, they are good content, they are already in the index for a long time, and I buy them from the filter links on the B-red filter and its. Depending on the results they will be a slew of new strategy.
In general, it turned out that even at the intermediate result of the visible outcome of the experiment. Sapa is killing the site, without trust in the times. Even with the sparing scheme selling links.
Sapa in the furnace. To promote the yes, no earnings. I think that Yash mow half of all sites over the next six months. After all, in fact, find the selling link elementary, add the URL of the page option? Test = 0, and all disappear sapossylki.
IMHO something like that, gradually and surely it all comes to what will need to make is not on this. On one of the G Adsense hanging there from time to time with a dozen other naklikivaetsya cents, and no alternative service for it will not be.
Earnings on such sites is not realistic because of the need curing, and hellish risks t. n. As they say is easier to make than the SOM in such a way to go to AGS and only pay back the domain and loss of time.

I think that will only grow more popular promotion items and guards. This is not blinking links, they are safe and easy and what is even more effective.
At least I bought it necessary to have 10 links in the anchor Blogun, they are indexed for the next up (4-5 days) and immediately improved the situation for Cq request from 10 to 5th place. In Sapa, they would be indexed by month and a half.

Small Offtopic:.
Did you know that:. Using a computer and three blank keyboard, not looking at the screen, a certain Michele Santel scored 64 books (more than 3. 3 million words), including the ... All text he typed in different languages ​​, including such exotic, like the Hebrew, and from end to beginning. Ended this titanic work and useless July 26, 2007.
So it would have the energy to send a useful direction! .
The site is about gadgets. , Laptops, smartphones, etc. n. Looking for a small office 1000-2000 marks. I am writing these for example, taking engadget. com a suitable article, translate, and I get reraychu content. Once podzadolbalo and decided to ask, can someone wants to pee like Wikipedia?.
20 rubles apiece, if the article is good then more work is constant, ideally 2-3 articles per day.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Selected topics in styles of Halloween

I present to your attention, in honor of the upcoming Halloweena, those citations in the style of this holiday. Of course, some might have something in them and do not like it, but one day we can really put a:) In general, all as always, click on the picture and set the theme! Here we go:.

Halloween. ( English. Halloween, All Hallows' Eve or All Saints' Eve) - a holiday that has its roots in the traditions of the ancient Celts in Ireland and Scotland, whose history began in the lands of modern Britain and northern France, celebrated October 31 - the eve of All Saints' Day. Traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, although the official holiday or a public holiday is not. Since the end of the twentieth century in the process of Americanization and globalization of the fashion for Halloween paraphernalia appeared in most non-English speaking Western countries, the CIS and Eastern Europe. Halloween is also celebrated informally in some other countries with close cultural ties with the U.S. or the UK, for example, in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, some Pacific island countries, and more recently in Russia.

Friday, April 6, 2012

AdSense allowed to change the style

The official blog. GoogleAdSense. Yesterday there was information about the next innovation - ... A new feature allows customers to change their own color palettes, fonts and options angles ad units and search engines on their websites.
Changing styles of ads will result in automatic renewal of all the ads and the search engine on the site in which they are involved. And it is very convenient. Customer. AdSense. In order to find out how advertising on its site will look in a particular color, now you only need to create a new style and apply it to certain units. If you like the result, the customer will be able to apply a new style of ads for all ad units in your account. If not - cancel the update of individual blocks and return them to their previous form.
The value of the new features, according to its developers, is to save time. Clients no longer have to separately choose the color of each block ads.
In a new ad style is no big deal. You just need to go to the tab ' My Ads ', select ' Styles ads ' on the navigation bar and click 'New'.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Legislators are not asleep (about OOO and 312 -FZ)


Finally passed a law abolishing the crowd isteriruyuschih OOOshnikov registering bodies in attempting to register their statutes in the new editions in the period before January 1, 2010goda.

The essence of the Federal Law № 310 - as did the charter of the new version, meeting the requirements of the Federal Law № 312 and prepared all necessary documents, as well as paid state fee, then immediately register. No specific date.

It remains only to wait until it comes to all, and you can go to register )) I think in the end of January, a bit of passion fade away.

Federal Law of 17 December 2009. N 310- FZ ...

  • Published 22 December 2009.

  • Enters into force: 22 December 2009.

Adopted by the State Duma on December 9, 2009.

Federation Council approved November 16, 2009.

Article 1.

Amend Part 2 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2008 N 312 -FZ ... 20; N 29, Article. 3642) modified by replacing the words ...

Article 2.

a. This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.


President of the Russian Federation.
A. Medvedev.

Source Russian newspaper, watch. here.

Appreciate your time

' Again two '.

How do I calculate how much should cost your work? . Although a 'thank you'.

I resort to the following methodology for assessing their work. I. I WANT TO. receive in a month. not less than 100 thousand. rub. per month. Working less than 10 hours a day 6 days a week. Consequently, only a month will be 26 * 10 = 260 hours. Or my every hour will cost 384 rubles. But I was never going to work all the time - can not act as a conveyor belt, so the price is multiplied by 2 =. 768 rubles / hour. These are the numbers I put in the accounts for their clients.

The second criterion - a detachment of ass from the chair. Maybe someone is willing to work on my prices, but wants to buy 10 minutes. I refuse such a person. The reason is simple - his money I do not do weather, but I did not spend 10 minutes and 70. Half an hour I'll delve into what he wants from me, 10 minutes to work, then half an hour to delve into the essence of the new issue. Total I. spend 70 minutes that adequately £ 896. And I will pay 76. IMHO, unfair price.

Now consider a more clear and close to the examples. The man made ​​satellite and sells it for 15 bucks. In the satellite is 30k Unica, layout, type design - from the thread pizzhennaya picture. In short, a typical govnosayt. To build the site, even in the simplest of the engine must spend at least 1 hour. Can tryndet that one hour you will rivet 4 of the site. But I know what you 're talking to me about the net time, and you ought to sit down at a computer, stretch your fingers to open a text editor and editor of the graphics, Unic otskanit. This is the time. Less than an hour will not go away.

okay. 15 bucks - it is 360 rubles. It seems so good price. But now you need to sell this site. For sale, negotiate the file transfer will take another hour. Sometimes two - but we have a hypothetical example, so that an hour is enough.

Now it's loot, we wanted to eat and we derive a money. The cheapest conclusion, this is for 23. 30. Yes, and the withdrawal will have to spend time, but we assume that bit.

Total fuck you 2:00, got 350 rubles, t. e. worked for 175 rubles per hour. Or your salary for the above scheme 175 * 10 * 26/2 = 22 750 rubles / month. Not a bad salary. If you do everything mentioned in 2 hours. Experience shows that it takes 4-6 hours, plus the cost of higher output. This means that the average satellitchik plows for 5-7 thousand. rub. / month. If the work within reasonable limits. :).

I like to lead a primerchik at seminars on the practice of selling.

' Imagine that they had received an order for 100 cards. This raises the spirit of fun, but take and calculate: the dirty profits - $ 100, your share - 25 rubles. To have a business card customer, you have to go 3 times back and forth: the first meeting, confirmation of the layout, delivery of business cards. Tickets cost 10 rubles. Total you earn in this order -35 rubles. A good scald. '.

This example just confuses arrogance with too zealous managers who are ready to grasp at any order.

yes. For smokers, the utility coefficient than 2, and 3. T. e. Salary for the above scheme of 175 * 10 * 26/3 = 15 160 rubles / month. Why not? .